The Side Effects Of Antibiotics And How To Avoid It

Combating known side effects of antibiotics: When the body is overwhelmed by a bacterial infection like tuberculosis, syphilis, or meningitis, antibiotics can be used to help the body’s white blood cells make your body healthy once again. However, in some cases, antibiotic-medicines have very dangerous side effects. If you use any kind of medicine while you are sick, it is important to talk to your doctor about the side effects you can expect.

The body already makes natural antibiotics through the immune system. Called antibodies, in many cases, these natural antibiotics are all your body needs to fight bacteria in the body. Many times, you won’t even experience symptoms. Prescription antibiotics are only needed when the body’s natural-antibiotics aren’t strong enough to ward off infections.

The most common type of antibiotic-drug prescribed is penicillin, but this is not the only antibiotic your doctor might suggest. Typically, antibiotics are safe, with only very mild side effects, if you experience side effects at all. Some common side effects, no matter what kind of antibiotic-medication prescribed to you, are diarrhea, fever, and nausea. In general, side effects happen because the antibiotics kill “good” bacteria along with bad bacteria. Usually, you don’t have to worry unless the symptoms are extremely severe.

However, there can also be very serious side effects if you aren’t careful. Some people are allergic to some kinds of antibiotics, leading to an anaphylactic reaction that includes symptoms such as swelling and difficulty breathing. In addition, mixing antibiotics and alcohol can cause dangerous reactions. When antibiotics and alcohol are in your body at the same time, the reaction time of that antibiotic-drug will change. Sometimes, it prolongs the antibiotic’s effect. Other times, it causes the body to metabolize the drug more quickly. Antibiotics-drug and alcohol together can also cause general side effects to intensify, leading to more dangerous problems. The bottom line is that antibiotics and alcohol aren’t good together.

Sometimes, you may fall ill while pregnancy. When you have to take antibiotics at this point, you’ll undoubtedly be concerned about the wide effects not just on you, but also on your baby. Is antibiotic-medicine during pregnancy safe? The answer to that, which your doctor will tell you, is this: maybe. Not all antibiotics during pregnancy are safe. Sometimes, they can cause birth defects. Other times, antibiotic-drug is safe up to a certain point in a pregnancy, but as you approach birth, it could cause problems for your baby. Your body’s natural antibiotics are not always enough to fight infection, and when you are sick, your baby is sick. So, it is important to treat yourself. However, make sure you talk to your doctor about the potential dangers to your baby, and always make sure to strictly follow dosing instructions.

Antibiotics are, in many cases, the best way to help your body get better. Some people try to avoid medications because they are worried about the side effects, but in most cases, this does more damage to your body than good. Yes, you should always research the medications you’re taking so you’re aware of the side effects, but for most people, these side effects are very mild and don’t warrant avoiding medications to help you get over an illness.